The Darker Party "special" Traumreise vom 20.3.2010 |
The Darker Party "looking at 8 years of party" vom 27.2.2010 |
The Darker "X-mas" Party 19.12.2009 |
The Darker Party 21.11.2009 |
Audio Terapy 2 "advanced psychology" am 15.8.2009 im Waldgrund Truckenthal |
Creatures of all Hallow's Even vom 31.10.2009 in der MUSA Göttingen |
Darkparty "four elements" mit DJ-Set Eisenfunk am 25.4.2009 |
Live-Act Divamee zur Corus Anima Darkparty am 21.3.09 |
The Darker Party "puppetry" Marionettentheater 24.1.09 |
The Darker "X-mas" Party 20.12.08 |